Quick Loan Bad Credit

Quick loan and Bad Credit – Often we heard our friends telling us of their bad credit. Spending on luxury items and showing off status to get noticed. Unnecessarily high spending for their girlfriend or boyfriend. Money management has become an issue with the high cost of living in Singapore. Most young couples who got married in the early stage are heavily indebted, taking bank loans for wedding, house renovation etc.

With the GST percentage hike coming to 9%, we need to be more careful on our expenses. Utility bills, phone bills, internet bills, monthly groceries and transportation fares are the main to look at every month before spending for other things. This is applicable for couples who are married.

For those who are not married, do take note that it is better to save up for your marriage rather than taking unnecessary loan. No need to apply for more credit cards when you have 1 or 2 with you. The urge to spend and burst the budget is very high. With retail sales running promotions and flash sales. Mega sales at Singapore Expo and Suntec City Convention. These are only applicable if you need to have one, not a want.

In such bad times, we do need quick loan solution to assist us. Payday loan is the best solution for this such as topping up your cash flow to pay for utility bills or phone bills. These bills have great impact as it maybe disrupted if not cleared on time. What you can do is to call them up and request for a few days extension (let’s say its a few more days to your payday). If it is too far away, payday loan helps. Do not take more than what is needed as it can be a burden for you to repay when you get your salary.